• Night Club Praha - AAA Exclusive Club, noční klub Praha - 1
!!! Speciální akce 2+1: Každý třetí stejný DRINK ZDARMA. Každou neděli, pondělí, úterý a středu !!!
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AAA Exclusive Club Praha si vyhrazuje právo smazat jakékoliv nevhodné příspěvky.

Seznam příspěvků

Dobrý den, mám velice rád Váš klub, ale při poslední návštěvě jsem byl zklamaný. Atmosféra dole byla super, přímo dechberoucí-s

Martin20.5.2016 10:45:16

Iva was perfect yesterday, Im in love haha...Iva work today? Thank you and have a nice day.

Henry20.5.2016 07:54:56

Kevin : Ela will be at the club on Saturday and Sunday. Miguel : Thank you very much! Iva is here tonight :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB19.5.2016 20:13:37

Iva is the most beautiful girl in your club. She has Very sexy body and beautiful smile. I want see her again, it is possible? If you want see a Very sexy and special dance show From Iva on stage, you must visit this club. Thank you. See you next time.

Miguel19.5.2016 19:57:13

Ella will be tomorrow?:)

Kevin19.5.2016 19:23:15

LoveWarmHugs : Thank you very much for visiting us and we look forward to your next visit :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB19.5.2016 18:24:49

Woww..Had a great evening in the midst of lovely and alluring ladies especially Elisabeth who charmed me in many ways.Thank you Prague for the enriching experience we gained in these few days !! Surrounded by very hospitable people ,we would definitely want to come again and relive again those moments!! Cheers for treating us well We would meet again.na shledanou..Love from Assam ( India )

LoveWarmHugs19.5.2016 05:47:29

Hi, thank you, we are very happy, that you did enjoy, and we are looking forward to see you again :)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB18.5.2016 01:24:03

Prague itself is a beautiful country and my evening was made more beautiful in the presence of alluring and lovely lady @ Elisabeth..The staff was friendly and the environment was very much cozy which made me feel at ease at first go..Surely I would definitely visit tomorrow and would recommend others..Not to mention my friends enjoyed it too..Much love

LoveWarmHugs18.5.2016 00:12:19

Rich : Thank you very much ! See you next time :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB17.5.2016 00:07:50

Sexy dívky, společnice Praha

Přijdtě se seznámit se společnicemi do našeho exkluzivního night clubu v Praze blízko centra a vyberte si sexy dívku svých snů a splňte si své tužby a dopřejte si nové zážitky.

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