• Night Club Praha - AAA Exclusive Club, noční klub Praha - 1
!!! Speciální akce 2+1: Každý třetí stejný DRINK ZDARMA. Každou neděli, pondělí, úterý a středu !!!
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AAA Exclusive Club Praha si vyhrazuje právo smazat jakékoliv nevhodné příspěvky.

Seznam příspěvků

Norsko: :-) Thank you.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB11.9.2010 23:29:42

Kdo tam dnes je?

Kubik11.9.2010 01:50:10

Haha, sorry but I had to laugh when reading the question from CZ Punter. It's really a lame question to come with, because if it was the case AAA would certainly deny any knowledge of trafficking of women. I've been to AAA several times and can assure everybody: the girls are there of their own free will. Besides there are some cops showing up from time to time, basically because they know the manager or somebody in the club.

Norsko7.9.2010 23:16:22

Boris- úterý a středa

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB31.8.2010 19:17:54

Slečna Lusy kdy pracuje?

Boris31.8.2010 19:09:42

PS: We are sorry CZ Punter that we accidentaly deleted your answer that should be bellow our answer to your reaction (for others: CZ Punter wrote something about he doesnt know how clubs usually work, but that he knows that in Prague happens what he was asking for)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB20.8.2010 11:11:23

But when you choose this not really discreet way how to ask for something so sensitive like that, you have to understand that it makes us upset ........btw if it happens than not in the clubs as clubs are easy to control by Police CR and other offices, in Prague the real problem is \"private appartments\" and maybe some escort agencies

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB20.8.2010 11:08:59

Come to ask them omg. What the hell do you mean with this stupid question? It looks you dont have an idea about how our club works.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB19.8.2010 22:11:40

Hi I've heard alot about trafficking of women recently, can we be sure that all your girls are there of their own free will and treated properly?

CZ Punter19.8.2010 12:57:10

A greeting to all and a message to Anitka (please!) : We arrived in Italy and I would greet Anitka and send a big hug from an Italian boy named "ready & finished (Pronto e Finito) :) ". know you, had a wonderful experience I will never forget. a big kiss and if you want to exchange some words, you can email me to galfer70@gmail.com I would like, thus improving my English and you your Italian !!! Chtěl bych získat nějaké novinky a vědět, zda vaše stále pozoruje Tom a Jerry !!!! Dejte mi vědět Kiss Livio

LIVIO13.8.2010 23:39:31

Sexy dívky, společnice Praha

Přijdtě se seznámit se společnicemi do našeho exkluzivního night clubu v Praze blízko centra a vyberte si sexy dívku svých snů a splňte si své tužby a dopřejte si nové zážitky.

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