• Night Club Praha - AAA Exclusive Club, noční klub Praha - 1
!!! Speciální akce 2+1: Každý třetí stejný DRINK ZDARMA. Každou neděli, pondělí, úterý a středu !!!
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AAA Exclusive Club Praha si vyhrazuje právo smazat jakékoliv nevhodné příspěvky.

Seznam příspěvků

Hy, I'll come back for work to Prague on 1st of January... Do you have any girl that provide cim?

johh titor11.5.2009 23:14:13

Hi I was wondering which girls are available tonight?

Dave11.5.2009 22:55:02

Hallo Jerry. Lucy YES and Klara we don´t know.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB10.5.2009 20:40:17

Hi Jezzy,unfortunatelly I don´t know who you mean, but come to see our girls every day after 19:00

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB10.5.2009 20:37:47

hi is Klara or Lucy working on Wednesday ?

jerry10.5.2009 19:08:23

I just received an email with news from www.escort.cz, where there is an advertismentfrom AAA. the girl on the photo, with long brown hair and orange panty and top lookg gorgous. I would like to meet with her but i can not see her on the escort list. What is her name and where can i meet her? Thanks

Jezzy10.5.2009 11:56:09

Hello,Jeremy of course you can come to meet our girls..we open till 6 a.m.today.I can send driver to pick you up

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB8.5.2009 22:23:31

Hey,Hi. i just got to your site and thought of calling but calling for what? can't we just come and see some girls and may have an hour or more with them? is it that necessary to book someone? Thanks

Jeremy8.5.2009 17:15:04

Hi is Jitka or Simona going to be available tonight? I would love to be able to see either one of them tonight.

Interested8.5.2009 16:15:40

Zdravim,Vanesasa je dnes a pak ma dovolenou cely weekend a pristi tyden

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB7.5.2009 19:27:43

Sexy dívky, společnice Praha

Přijdtě se seznámit se společnicemi do našeho exkluzivního night clubu v Praze blízko centra a vyberte si sexy dívku svých snů a splňte si své tužby a dopřejte si nové zážitky.

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