Forum (496)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.
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Back this weekend after a year. Can you tell me who is working Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday please?
Jhonatan, sorry we dont have facial
Adam, John- today open untill 4 a.m. and beautifull ladies Amy, Anabel, Lola, Karen, Katka, Sophie,
Who is in the Club tonight??
Ahoj, máte dnes otevřeno? A které děvčata dnes budou? Díky
Price of a facial
John: Great tonight :-)
Hello, how is in the Club tonight?
Jan- dobrý večer dnes bohužel ne, stavte se i tak :)
Dobrý večer, bude dnes v klubu Alex? Děkuju