• Nachtclub Prag - AAA Exclusive Club, Kabarett, Tschechische Republik - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

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AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.

Seznam příspěvků

Ahoj,které slečny budou dnes večer? Díky

Jan21.7.2017 19:35:48

Guest: Možná myslíte Sofii :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB20.7.2017 05:18:02

Kir: Every night we play different music, so we are very sorry, but we cannot help you.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB20.7.2017 02:02:22

Dobry den. V noci z po na ut jsem u vas stravil hodinku s malou, sikovnou, tmavovlasou Slovenkou. Cca 26-32 let. Muzete mi rict, jak se mohla jmenovat? Bohuzel si to nepamatuji. Diky

Guest19.7.2017 22:50:34

Good evening! Do you have sort of music playlist composed for each night? Heard a really good track on the 16th of July and wonder if you're able to help me with finding it. Thanks

Kir19.7.2017 18:25:29

Thank you, will phone and get picked up to see you on 20th then :)

Stuforce17.7.2017 11:37:54

Stuforce: Hi, yes she will be here.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB16.7.2017 20:28:03

Will Simona be in the club on 20th July?

Stuforce14.7.2017 16:35:24

Satisfied customer: I wrote you private email.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB13.7.2017 23:48:39

paul: Dnes tu jsou Amy, Anabel, Kristýnka, Naomi , Ashley, Jessica, Bella, Kate, Tatiana, Marcela, Mona, Elizabeth, Simona, Kimi, Adélka, Gábina, Melanie, Leila, Natali... V pátek tu budou Amy, Anabel, Andrea, Elis, kate, lea, Leila, Lisa, Naomi, Simona, Michelle, Natálka, Sarah, Kristýnka, Mona, Elizabeth, Marcela, Mailey.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB13.7.2017 23:48:17

Sexy Girls, Begleiter Mädchen Prag

Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

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