Forum (572)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.
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Mr. V : Děkujeme!
Pěkný pozdrav pro skautku Lisu :)
Hi Ladies Back in Prague on 13th May to celebrate my 50th birthday, looking forward to visiting your amazing club again.
MC Donald: Dobrý večer, dneska tu máme Carol, Tamy, Jessicu, Ivu, Ninu, Cat, Lisu, Denisu a Rebeku :-)
Zdravim, ktere slecny budou pracovat dnes?Diky
DObrý den, Natty. Dneska pracují slečny Denisa, Diana, Jane, Jessica, Naomi, Sylva, Viki, Cat, Elien, Kimi, Lisa, Nina and Andrea
Zdravím, které slečny u Vás budou v pondělí? Díky
Thomas: We respect the privacy of ladies, so we kindly ask you to call us or to come to the club. Thank you.
Al: Thank you very much ! Best regards from girls and AAA team :-)
Many thanks to everyone in the club. As always a lot of smailes and kindness. I look forward to my next visit. My special thanks to Monica, Jane and Ella.