Forum (613)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.
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Is Katka working on tuesday or wednesday night?
Andy: Thank you. :-)
At last I'm coming back! Just booked my flight, tell Klara I will be there soon. See you soon :)
Shapeman:Hello,Ciara is available this wednesday. See you in the club. :-)
Hello, is Kiara available this week? Ideally Wednesday of Friday evenign. Thanx!
Shifter: Greaaaaat. Thank you. :-)
A: Hallo, only pick up service is free, the way back needs to be paid, but prices are nice. :-)
Honza: Dobrý večer, zatím bohužel netušíme, kdy nás Laura poctí návštěvou. Zkuste zavolat běhen příštího týdne. Děkujeme.
only 6 weeks to go before we visit you again, really looking forward to your hospitality.
Hi! Is transport also a compliment back to my hotel if I visit you?