Forum (760)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.
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boxere, takove veci si musite domluvit se slecnama, ne s nami, stavte se, radi Vas uvidime :)
zdravím club najde se u vás slečna,která udělá orálek bez?
ok aaa club i understand but vanessa? still working for your? tank you for answer!
Hi Iterum, unfortunatelly it looks like Carolina finished, but we are still not sure, so try to call us next week and we will let you know. Thank you.
Ahoj Simone, bohuzel u nas uz Vilma ani Adelka nepracuji, ale nej holciny bychom tu jiste nejake meli... :-)
hi aaa club i will be on prague monday next week i to be in prague for one week i would like to know sure that if there working still in your club carolina. tank you many greeting's
Dobry vecer Roberte, bohuzel, vanda u nas uz nepracuje.
pracuje u vás ještě slečna Vanda?
Thanks for your response. We will see you in the club soon.
....also sometimes (and this year it was quiet often) before we make new photos,the girl is fired for some reason, so in the club lets say is some good base of the girls, and some part is changing, this year very fast. Some of the girls also do not want to make photos as they are afraid to be recognized for example.