Forum (804)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha behält sich das Privileg vor, unangemessene, vulgäre oder sinnlose Werbung zu löschen.
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neni Zuzka slecna Nicol co byla v nemecku? hrozne je ji podobna.
Patrik:úterý-Lucy, Adéla, Vanessa, Katka, Klára, Sylva, Jitka, Saša, Lea, Denisa, Leila. Středa-Zuzka, Lucy, Adéla, Vanessa, Issabell, Katka, Klára,Sylva, Saša a Leila.
ciao: Anja doesn´t work for us anymore....
Ahoj které dívky budou v clubu v úterý a středa?
What about Ania? I can't see the photos :-(
seb: look into the section "About Prague", there are few links to hotels we suggest, not expensive, but very nice hotels
mitdos: why you dont call us and dont directly make a choice with our bar mate? :)
which girls working tonight
I am French, I use a translator is that your girls kiss
Hello, You advise me what hotel in prague?