Sagen Sie [Ich will einen Rabatt] nach kommen in den Club an der Bar
Ab 1. Februar 2014:
10% Rabatt auf alles! bei Barzahlung
Ab 1. Februar 2014:
10% Rabatt auf alles! bei Barzahlung
Dear customers. The Club is going to be closed during Christmas time on 23rd, 24th and 25th December. We will be back on 26th December. Christmas greetings to all of you :)
We perform the reconstruction of the interior to your complete satisfaction and comfort without limitation operation.
Present for everyone + Welcome drink. Arrival till midnight VIP room for price as in Happy hours.
Two girls and one hour massage + bottle of sparkling wine for only 4000,- CZK / 175 €
Ultra Violet Party 29.11. 2013, wear as many bright things as you can! UV light sticks and colours will be available on arrival,pop in and colour yourself :)))