Forum (14)
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Dobrý večer prosím které slečny budou zítra, pátek 27 ? Děkuji.
Good evening, Easter Lyceeum Hamdoulliah. Miss Alex is no longer working with us. We've written it to you several times.
Good evening, We are several to set you the question of Miss Alex znd we didn't have a precisee answer from the Club. Is she still working at Aaa? When will Alex return?
Hi Peter, today will be Bella, Lia, Michell, Veronika, Martina, Mona, Týna
Good afternoon, May I ask who is in the Club today? Thank you for a reply. Peter
Dan nebude
Hezký den kdy bude Alex?
Dobrý večer, Petře. Dnes Parvati, Ella, Vali, Nika, Molly, Sabina, Ivana, Dominika, Lina, Bella, Mona, Martina, Amy, Lia, Grace, Michall. V neděli Mona, Bella, Martina, Grace, Parvati, Lia, Týna, Anie, Amy.
Dobrý večer prosím které slečny budou dnes v sobotu a zítra děkuji.
Dobrý večer, Mirko Novak. Bohužel, momentálně nevíme, kdy bude slečna Jasmína pracovat.