Forum (369)
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Shifter: also we do :-)
Many thanks,see u Friday ladies.
Kuba: Andy, Amy, Viki, Katka, Carrie, Nicol, Adriana, Pavlína, Eva, Theresa, Vanessa, Diana, Linda and Nina :-)
Ahoj, jaké krásné dívky nás dnes čekají v klubu
shifter: filled up already :-)
Hi Ladies Looking forward to spending 3 nights in your superb club, first night this Friday. Stock that beer fridge up.
Max: Andy, Amy, Viki, Katka, Carrie, Nicol, Adriana, Pavlína, Eva, Theresa, Vanessa, Diana, Linda and Nina :-)
Hello, which ladies are working today??? :-))
Garry: Lucy, Amy, Katka, Melissa, Nicol, Pavlína, Melany, Diana, Linda, Alice, Lara :-)
Hello, which ladies are working today?