Forum (504)
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Ahoj, chci se zeptat, jaké holky budou dnes v práci. Dekuju
G-man: Yes, she will be here next week.
Navstivil jsem tento podnik a mohu vrele doporucit slečnu Tatianu ...usmevava a komunikatyvni divaka Urcite tam opet zajdu az budu v Praze
Již několikrát jsem navstivil tento klub a zaujmula me slecna Tatiana je mozny domluvit se na nejake er.praktiky Dekuji Maty
Ahoj mohu poprosit info kdy bude Tatiana?Je mozny Eskort?
Does SARAH still work at AAA ?
Bella - thank you for your comments, we are glad you love our club and yes we are the best :) Alex will be here for sure and Helen might be. We are looking forward to see you here again. Have a great day
Hey! You have the best fucking club in the whole world! I am ordering a new flight to your place in 2 weeks, but I REALLY NEED to know, will Hellen or Alex be there?
Roman and Aarche Alex, Amy, Adriana, Anabel, Bianca, Naomi, Eliska, Mona, Angelina, Patricie, Simona, Tamara
Who's in the club tonight ?