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Seznam příspěvků
Roman: Dobré ránko, bohužel zatím netušíme.
Dobry den,chtel jsem se zeptat,kdy bude v praci Bella? Dekuji za odpoved.
Alan- pátek Anička, Adriana, Anabel, Eliška, Lola, Simča, Lucka, Patricie . Sobota Adriana, Anabel, Eliška, Lola, Naomi, Simča, Patricie
Které kočky budou v pátek a sobotu? Dík.
Good Friend- 24/1/2018 Adelka, Anička, Jessica, Michell, Natali, Simona, Tatiana, Patricie 25/1/2018 Adelka, Anička, Adriana, Anabel, Lola, Natali, Simona, Tatiana, Lucka
Which girls will be be available tomorrow (24th) and 25th of January. I'm looking forward to visit your club again... I was satisfied everytime in the past. Thanks in advance:-)
John - Děkujeme Eliška tu bude v patek a v sobotu : )
Ahoj, pracuje u Vas jeste Kate a Eliska? Minule jsem na ne nemel stesti i kdyz na strankach se uvadelo, ze Kate bude v klubu. Diky za odpoved. Tesim se na dalsi navstevu!!! Vzdy maximalni spokojenost.
Paul: Thank you.
I was at this last last week. It was my first time in a club like this and I loved it. Everybody was very professional and very friendly. Every girl there was incredibly beautiful and lovely to chat with. I will definitely go back to relax after a hard work week.