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am from Thursday to Sunday in Prague you also women who speak German
Tommo: Hi, check it here :)
What's the prices for drinks please?
Michal: Žádné vtíravé slečny u nás nejsou. :-)
Jan: V sobotu tu boudou: Amy, Erika, Jessica, Lola, Naomi, Marcela, Melanie, Nikol, Simona, Vanessa,Gábina, Helen, Michelle, Mona, a Anna.
Ahoj, které slečny budou zítra večer? Díky
hynek: Dobrý večer, ano bude.
Dobrý den bude zítra v klubu Vaneska?
Pedro: Tonight: |Caroline, Jessica, Lola, Naomi, Marcela, Natali, Nikol, Sofie, Cat and one new lady. Tomorrow 15 ladies.
SeanB: As you wish. :-)