Forum (529)
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Hello, What' the name of the 21 year old, blond girl who is studying architecture? (She was working saturday 17/6) Thank you in advance!
Tom: Ahoj, Dianka tu bude v pátek a v sobotu, Monika až další týden.
Ahoj, bude během příštího týdne Diana nebo Monika?
Peter: Hi, Anabel will be here on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday :)
I so so hope that AnnaBell will be in the club on Monday. Looking forward to visiting the club again, you are the best.
Tomáš: V sobotu 3.6. budou Andrea,Kate,Jessica,Lola,Melisa,Simona,Vanessa,Carol,Ashley a další. :-)
Tomáš: V sobotu 3.6. budou Andrea,Kate,Jessica,Lola,Melisa,Simona,Vanessa,Carol,Ashley a další. :-)
Ahoj, jaké dívky budou v sobotu večer?
Jay: V úterý budou slečny:Elis,Erika, Jessica,Lola,Melisa, Natali,Kamila,Bella a Mailey
mogan: You can pay by card, but always before you rent a room.