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Hi David, Victoria Daniels is unfortunately not working now.
Hello I will visit your club tonite can you tell me what girls are working ? Also is Laura still working ? Thank you Michael
Good evening. A while ago there was a girl called Victoria Daniels. Is she still working with you? Best regards
Pavel: Bohužel Foxi je v tuto chvíli na dovolené, jinak občas chodí.
Dave: Natálka tu dnes je, Kate bohužel ne.
Chodí ještě Foxi?
A Natálka nebo Kate dnes budou? Díky.
Diky, okolo pul desáté jsem u Vas:-)
Petr: Slečen dnes bude okolo 19-ti. :-)
Dave: Zatím netušíme, zda dorazí.