• Night Club Prague - AAA Exclusive Club, Cabaret, Nightclub in Prague - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

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Seznam příspěvků

Děkuji za profil, fotečky by nebyly?

Pavel20.8.2013 18:25:47

:D U fine ladies will notice when Im back :D Absinth and Slivovic & red bull for start drinks :D

SweWolf19.8.2013 19:47:07

Pavel: bude pridan dnes vecer :) dekujeme za pripominku a cenime si toho

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB16.8.2013 18:20:52

Kdepak mate profil Simonky?

Pavel15.8.2013 22:21:33

Swewolf: OMG :) we can not wait to meet up again our dears loyal :) lots of kisses all over xoxoxo

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB15.8.2013 18:38:23

Hello My pretty ladies! If anything goes as planed the lord of madness Will be home in 5-9 sept ! I hope u remember what I look like ;) I Will be coming with 2 Latino friends so the ladies be prepared to look extra beautiful cuz we are bout to rock The castle ;) hugs and kisses from me Swewolf

Swewolf15.8.2013 02:19:09

Loverr: hello, surely we do or we can just simly pop in to your place. It is depending which option is more confident and comfortable for you :) girls of AAA Exclusive Club Praha

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB10.8.2013 20:03:52

Hey girls! Do you have a room in your place to spend time with the girls? Or just outside?

Loverr10.8.2013 18:57:58

Lukas: zalezi to na dohode, prosim kontaktujte mne telefonicky na tel.cisle 775 077 775, dekuji.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB5.8.2013 23:10:19

prvni tyden zari a pokud bych chtel dva tydny musela by po tydnu odejit nebo by mohla zustat da se to prodlouzit???

Lukas5.8.2013 22:14:12

Sexy girls, companions Prague

Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

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