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Slečna Nikita??Kdy je v clubu?
Hi guys,can you tell me who will be working next thursday and friday,as we arrive then,cant wait to spend some quality time in your company.shifter
Slečna Nikola,které dny bude v clubu?
hello aaa,ms.katka is very beautifull. making she something extra? money is not problem. now Im in prag and want she for eskort. thanks you for answer and in the case positive answer I call you and we make understood. once more thanks peter
Vanesa je nemocna, nejspise k pristimu vikendu bude
v nedeli:Lea,Lusy,Zuzka,amy,Vanda,Pavlina
v sobotu:L"ea,Zuzka,Katka,Zuzka,Jitka,Miša,Kristina,Amy,Vanda,Vanessa,Izabel
v patek:Silva,Klara,Lusy,Silva,Katka,Jitka,Vanda,Amy,Jena,Vanessa,Isbell
v patek:Silva,Klara,Lusy,Silva,Katka,Jitka,Vanda,Amy,Jena,Vanessa,Isbell
čtvrtek je v praci:Silva,Klara,Lusy,Adela,Jitka,Miša,Kristina,Amy,Vanessa,vilma