Forum (828)
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Nedele/Sunday: Nikita, Nikola, Amy, Vanda, Isabel, Karolina, Pavlina
Sobota/Saturday: Nikita, Simona, Nikola, Jitka, Katka, Isabel, Karolina, Jenca, Marta, Lenka, Sarlota
Pátek/Friday: Nikita, Denisa, Simona, Nikola, Amy, Jitka, Ktka, Jenca, Karolina, Marta, Eva, Sarlota
dnes/today: Vanesa, Nikita, Sabina, VIlma, Amy, Jitka, Eva, Kristina, Simona, Sarka
bolsoi: Anja should be here at January as she is still home now
PeterinPrague: 8.00 pm is OK. Vanesa should be here. Vanesa is very sweet girl and people really like her sweetenes. She looks lovely tender, but privately she is hot.
joe: yes for sure
Ahoj které dívky budou dnes večer a zítra?
Hello ! Would like to come over to your club Friday at about 8pm. Is it too early ? In case it is too early, I would then organize an escort service. Can I have more info on Petra and Vanessa ? Will they be there Friday ? Which girls will be present on Friday night ? THANKS !!!