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Dobrý den. Pls kdy bude tento týden slečna Lili? Díky
Hello, tomorow will be Coco, Julie, Kaira, Martina, Michel, Parvati, Simona, Týna, Andrea, Lili.
Dobrý večer Kristiane, slečna Sandra do konce tohoto týdne určitě nebude, jiné slečny ale ano.
Dobry den...bude Sandra nektery den ?
Hello, what girl working today and tomorrow evening?
Hi, on Saturday will be Alex, Bára, Coca, Inna, Julie, Lola, Martina, Michell, Parvati, Simona, Sofie, Tereza, Týna, Lili, Olivie.
HI pls who Will work on Saturday evening?
Hi, Nicol is not working this weekend, another girls are available.
Hi, today will be Alex, Bára, Coco, Inna, Eva, Julie, Lola, Martina, Michel, Melisa, Týna, Andrea, Lili,
Hi, is Nikol working this weekend? Thanks