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Hello, Michell and Eva are working today.
Dobrý večer Adame, dnes budou slečny Inna, Eva, Jana, Kaira, Klarisa, Michell, Sofie, Týna, Zara, Simona, Ivana, Loren, Natali.
Jobber Michell eller Eva ikveld?
Dobrý den, kdo bude dnes prosím? Děkuji.
Hello, Aviator. Letty works today.
Please, where will be in club Letty ?
Hello, Marco. Tonight are Amy, Inna, Nada, Natali, Sofie, Týna, Zara, Linda, Loren.
Hello. Who’s there tonight ? Thanks
hello, today are in the club Amy, Claudie, Eva, Klarisa, Michell, Mona, Nicol, Lola, Týna, Veronika, Linda, Loren.
Hi, which girls are in the club today ? Thanks