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Ahoj Jaky holky sou dneska
Hi, which girls are in the club tonight and tomorrow night?
Dobrý večer Vašku, Slečna Julie a Isabella tento týden bohužel nebudou.
Dobrý večer , kdy budou slečny Julie a Isabela ?
Hi, today will be the girls Carol, Clarisa, Melany, Mona, Natali, Nicol, Samanta, Tamara, Amy, Kaira.
Hello, Could you please tell me who is in the club tonight ?
Hi, John. Tonight is Amy, Hana, Kaira, Klarisa, Melany, Mona, Nikol, Samantha, Valerie, Denisa, Martina, Zuzka, Veronika, Hana.
Hi, Can you tell me who is in the club tonight ? Thanks
Dobrý večer, Edo. Dne je slečna Adriana, Denisa, Ingrid, Klarisa, Melisa, Sky, Natali, Pavlína, Rita, Valerie, Vanesa, Bára, Michel, Zuzka, Eva, Nikol.
Ahoj, jaké divky jsou dnes? Dekuju