Foro (369)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.
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Ahoj, Pepo. Dnes bude slečna Lucy, Klára, Katka, Laura, Denisa, Natálka, Melissa, Nikol, Theresa, Sofie, Diana, Sára.
Ahoj, jake krasne slecny budou dnes v klubu?
Hanz: je na dovolené..
Frank: Amy, Lara, Katka, Carrie, Denisa, Nicol, Anna, Sofie, Melany, Chanel, Diana a Marie
Ahoj, jake slecny budou dnes v klubu?
Krásný den, kdy bude v klubu slečna Bella? Děkuji
Hello, Garry. Unfortunately, we don't know.
Hello, what day will be Mona in club?
Hello, Hellboy. Yes, of course.
Hi, Al. I'm sorry, but she's not working here anymore.