Foro (42)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.
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Good Evening Will Alex be this Saturday or this Sunday?
Good evening, Lesquestionstupides. Alex is today in the club.
Good evening, Lesquestionstupides. Alex is today in the club.
Dobrý den, Petře. V sobotu pracuje Andy, Amber, Daila, Lia, Lenny, Sky, Grace, Marry, Michell, Nika, Nikol, Parvati, Týna, Isabella, Sheron, Kelly.
Good evening, When is miss Alex in Club ?
Dobrý den, které dívky budou v klubu v sobotu?
Tork yes 1 girl Lia
Do you have any asian girls?
Rafael Dobrý den , ve čtvrtek bude 14 slečen , Amy,andy,alex,amber,dalia,,lenny ,sky,grace,mery,michell,parvati,tyna,isabella,sheron,katka,kelly
Dobrý den, jaké dívky budou prosím ve vašem klubu ve čtvrtek a od kolika asi hodin? Děkuji.