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Jajajo: Amy je v klubu dnes a bude i ve středu, v sobotu a v neděli.
Ktere divky u vas dnes v klubu? dekuji
The club is very awesome. It's family club. The personal are very friendly. They gives a big attention to costumers and the prices are very correct. Also the girls are very beautiful. And the rooms are very clean. I recommande this club. I'll return very soon. Great holiday, every night, I was in the club.
looking forward to a few visits to our favourite club, arriving 12th may.
kdy bude prosim Amy
Broza: Price is final. :-)
V: Děkujeme :-)
Opet vcera naprsto genialni zazitek se skvelou slecnou Lisou. :-)
Swan: Dianka bude ve sředu a v neděli. Víkendový rozpis ještě upřesníme.
John:Ve středu budou: Amy, Diana, Leila, Lola, Naomi, Nikol, Sabina, Simona, Carol, Elis, Kamila, Anabel a Erika