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to Shifter and Harry Potter: Thank you very much, hope to see you in our club soon.
ladies, many thanks for 3 great nights, and sorry we kept you waiting on sunday night/ Monday morning to lock up, back in 4 weeks, will see you all then.Shifter and Harry Potter
Mr b: Yes we like each other. :-) Not all the girls make show together, but it is possible.
Hi there, coming over with my wife next month and we were thinking - do your ladies like others ladies? Do they do lesbian show? Many thanks!
Hallo Alanb, we are not sure yet, but every day there are 12-15 girls.
Hello, I'll be coming to your club next weds 20th,can you tell me how many lady's will be working? Thank you
To John: Hello Caroline will work tomorrow :-) see you in our club.
Schifter: Greaaat. :-)
looking forward to Friday night when we arrive in prague and visit the best club in town.
To Johan: Thank you very much :-*