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AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.
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Hi, I'm heading to prague this afternoon, but I don't have access to a printer. Will I still be able to get the discounts without a printout?
Customer: We kindly ask you to mention to the manager, that you want to get this discount as it is mentioned on our website. We will be glad to give you this discount. Thank you and have a nice evening.
Daniel: Děkujeme :-)
Neskutečně mě podnik překvapil, opravdu vše jak se prezentují je pravda. Nikdo vás nenutí, nepřemlouvá, netlačí, drinky jsou také za přijatelné ceny. Dívky moc pěkné a milé a dokonce i ten vyhazovač byl sympaťák :-) A se slečnou jsem velice rychle zapomněl, kde se nacházím... byla v tom veliká dávka romantiky :-) prostě.. pravá iluze lásky :-) Nenechte se odradit lokalitou a jak podnik vypadá zvenčí... uvnitř se vám určitě zalíbí :-)
Hello, I went to this club the past days. Payed cash for the room, but discount was never applied. :-/ Why is that ?
Random guy: Thank you. :-)
Shewolf: :-D
Since most reviews were positive, I was suspicious. Truth is, it's a very nice and relaxed place. 1) People are all very friendly and make you feel comfortable, starting from the lady at the entrance. 2) When I went there, there were some 10/15 girls of different tastes. I really liked 4/5 of them. 3) I started talking with a girl. The positive aspect is that she just ordered one drink: so, I did not feel at all that this was a scam. I think it's a nice place: you can try, for 200 kr, you can check it, also early in the evening, and then decide what to do.
Hey do u remember me ? SweWolf are going back soon to his angels :D Im more crazier then ever cuz Im soon getting married :D But you gals will always be in my heart
Al: Thank you :-)