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AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.
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yrion: yes :)
Alain: we work on it, we had some changes this time, it always takes some time, be patiente with us, thank you
Dugu slecna Melany je skoro kazdy den. POkud chcete rychlou odpoved, staci zvednout telefon :)
Shoki: thanks a lot :) we are looking forward to see you back
fb1907: we cant to type exactly here, it should be undesrtandable, we hope you get it...full service ;) and total time is up to you of course
Can you explain what your SPECIAL OFFER includes? Only massage and sparkling wine with 2 girls?
hello.I will be in prague on 23-25 of May.I will visit your club ofcourse. Your special offer attract me.I have some questions. What is the total time with girls? Only one hour massage? Can you answer?
Dobrý den, v pátek mám chuť to v klubu pořádně rozjet. Velmi doufám že tam bude slečna Pamela. Těším se na vás všechny :-)
Vam uz nestojime ani za odpovedi???!!! Pres tyden neodpovedet mi prijde opravdu presprilis. Jeste ze je tolik dalsich klubu v okoli.
Dobrý večer I came in your cabaret for the third time Friday April 18 2014 with one of my friend and we spent a great time. The girl with whom I spent time was very friendly, I will never forget her. Kisses to her! Whenever I come, whenever I am very well received. A french boy.