• Club nocturno Praga - AAA Exclusive Club, Night Club, Cabaret, República Checa - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

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AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.

Seznam příspěvků

Good evening. Many thanks to everyone in the club. I had a wonderful time with Melany and Simona. I hope that I will be able to meet them next june. Kindest regards.

Al4.4.2014 20:59:25

Petronela bohužel nyní není v Čechách. Sleva za platbu cash je 10%. 20% byla jen únorová akce

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB4.4.2014 17:04:43

a petronela o velikonocich? nevite jeste? jinak to plati ty slevy ze kdyz treba chci 45 minut to je 2200 kc. a plati hotove tak o 20 procent mene, takze - 440 kc to je 1760? alespon tak jsem to pochopil... do kdy to plati kdyz to tak je??

mira3.4.2014 15:43:19

Good afternoon. Many thanks. Then, if she agrees of course, I would be very happy to spend some time with her. My plane should arrive at 19.50, so I will contact you as soon as I arrive at my hotel. Kindest regards.

Al2.4.2014 15:28:29

Al: Simona should be here Thursday

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB2.4.2014 14:39:36

Dobrý den, o Velikonocích bude otevřeno každý den. otázka je kolik bude děvčat, obvykle bývá samozřejmě méně, ale otevřeno bude

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB2.4.2014 14:39:02

dobry den. jak bude otevreno o velikonocich? predpokladam ze ctvrtek,sobota, nedele normalne a patek-pondeli zavreno... a bude o velikonocich delat Petronela??

mira2.4.2014 14:17:52

Good morning and greetings to everyone. Do you know whether Simona will be there on thursday? If not, do you know who will be there? Many thanks and see you soon. Kindest regards.

Al2.4.2014 09:11:39

Ahoj,kdy mohu navštívit slečnu Ilonu?

Nikolaj1.4.2014 23:10:22

Al: ok :) we are looking forward to you

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB28.3.2014 22:58:07

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