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Mysli te ze 16 ledna bude v práci Bella Goldie dohromady se Sarah. Velice mne zaujaly
Al: Our dearest Al, we would like to thank you for being such amazing to us, i have passed your greetings to Daniela, Simona, Melany and Lenka already, thank you so much once again, hugs and kisses from all of us! :))) all the best in 2014 to u :)
Marcus: certainly he could :) give us a call anytime u ready
Happy new year to all..I wonder if driver pick me up from hotel If I wish to come..
Best wishes to everyone in the club for the new year: may 2014 bring you everything you wish. I would also like to send special wishes to Daniela, Melany and Simona and to Lenka and Sarka.
bellokdejsi: slečna u nás již nepůsobí, bohužel :(
ZadaXaKeX: Slečna Bella Goldie a Sarah studují, tudíž jejich docházka je velmi nestabilní, slečna Tammy je k dispozici většinu týdne, prosím upřesněte který termín máte na mysli, děkuji :)
Al: THANK YOU SO MUCH for those wonderfulllllll bunches of flowers! Kisses and hugs from Melany, Daniela, Simona, Lenka and Sarka :))) Keep in touch please! :)
Ahoj. .kdy budou spolu práci Tammy♡+Bella Goldie+Sarah Díky
Al: Dear Al :) We do thank you for the way as you have treated all of us! :) Xmas greetings to you again :) Btw hope your Xmas party in town center went well and you have had a lot of fun there :) Keep in touch please :)