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U better ;) The Lord will come home ! Did Candy said something crazy bout me ? :p
hynek: bohuzel, již u nás nepracuje, odcestovala na deší dobu
Hynek: Melany za 20min vyjíždí za Vámi :) děkujeme za pozitivní komentář, mějte příjemný večer
dobrý večer,už se těším na Melany. Lucinka už u vás nepracuje? Jste super klub.
Swewolf:we are looking forward 2it as well :)
I miss you ladies already ! I hope to be back home to y'all in christmas :)
Hehe ! Give her a Big huge and kiss from me and I hope I see you soon agian :) best wishes from me
SweWolf: TY 2, her name is Candy our fres arrival btw :)
Ty for a crazy night ! :) I hope to visit u soon agian and btw what was name of The angel i been with ? I Owe her one champagne and i promise to give her next time i visiting ! Hugs and kisses
Al.: u shall see her definitely :)