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Hynek: Vyřídím Váš vzkaz Lucince, děkujeme moc za přízeň :)
dobrý den. Lucinka byla perfektní. super. děkuji moc.
Děkujeme za Vaši návštěvu Hynku :)
bylo mi u vás moc dobře. Děkuji. Hynek
SweWolf: lol the same to you, can not wait for your awesome company! :)
I will miss you ladies alot ! But I'm back home in the hot summer !:D
We will miss you a lot! xoxoxo
SweWolf: Patricia, thank you so much :)
many thanks to all the girls for the past 3 nights,also the amazing "puppy dog",see you all next year,hugs and kisses to Pamela........Shifter
Hehe I will be home soon agian :) Once loyal , always loyal ! =)Btw what was the name of the blonde ladie that come with me to my hotel ?