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AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.
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Andrew: at the moment its still from 1900, we are sorry for wrong info, system mistake.
VivaCzech: for us is any nice customer private member, so simply come join us. :-)
How do I become a private member of the club?
I do not quite understand the operating hours. it is opened at 12:00 (noon) and closed at 4:00 in the morning? Why have two listed operating hours? Please explain. Thanks
Welchen Service bieten die Mädels in 30/60 Minuten an ?
George Clooney mluví česky? :) Ingrid nema exaktni plan, je treba volat nebo se rovnou telefonicky domluvit
shifter: always ready:)
harry potter: yes, but we will have to charge you service anyway
kdy bude v únoru Ingrid? Dekuji
only 3 weeks to go now,are you ladies ready...!!!!!,get the champagne in for friday 17th feb......