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Lili: ano
jay: its really depends of the situation, choosen girl, discussion between you etc. 45min guaranteed
Beriete aj slovenky ?
When you oay for 45 minutes does that mean you can spend 45 minutes with the girl or once your done you have to go? Alsowho is the most popular girl?
Patrik: ne, slečna Nina už k nám nechodí, ani nikam jinam v tuto chvíli
Dobrý večer slečna Nina už u Vás nepracuje?
Hi Ronald, thank you for your interest. We are not sure about the schedule for February yet, but we kindly ask you to call us to the club at the end of January. Thank you.
Soulay: Lucie will be back on friday. We are looking forward for your visit.
Hi Norway:We don´t expect blond Lili to come back, but don´t worry, you will have fun. We cannot wait to see you. :-)
Hi, i'll arrive to Prague and will stay from 08/02 to 12/02 in a business trip & i have visited your club 2 years ago, but lot of girls has changed, which is quite impressive..Anyhow, im asking about Nicole, Nina or Aisha, are they going to be available during my visit or will they be on vacation? And if they are available, is it possible to take any of them out for escorting for about 4 or 5 hours?? Thank you...