• Club nocturno Praga - AAA Exclusive Club, Night Club, Cabaret, República Checa - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

Foro (729)

AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.

Seznam příspěvků

Awesome your new club ! Will Anna and the old fashion Ladies still work there ? =)

SweTiger24.11.2010 21:05:02

borec: there is always gate for our security

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB24.11.2010 14:42:25

are you still open? I went there tonight and there was a gate on the door and everything locked up

borec23.11.2010 22:44:04

Tom: 10PM

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB21.11.2010 17:06:48

Hi i was just wondering what the best time to come is? When are the most girls available

Tom21.11.2010 06:09:01

Vážení pánové, oznamujeme vám, že od 1.prosince nás najdete na nové adrese, pod novým názvem AAA Exclusive Club. 10 pokojů,VIP room,vířivá vana,min.10-20 dívek každý den, exkluzivní prostory baru a krásné prostředí Vinohrad. Máte se na co těšit. A my se těšíme na vás. :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB21.11.2010 01:44:27

Dear gentlemen, we are announcing you the adress substitution of newly renamed AAA Exclusive Club from 1.12.2010!! 10 rooms, VIP, whirpool, 10-20 beautifull girls every night, fully equipped bar. We are looking forward for your visit. :-)

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB21.11.2010 00:49:04

Viagryus: no ono to tady také napsáno být nemůže, proto jsme i smazali Váš dotaz, ale odpovídáme. Dostanete vše na co jste se ptal.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB17.11.2010 17:50:02

Traska: Bohužel zájem nemáme. Hodně štěstí!

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB15.11.2010 19:41:35

Nemate zajem aj o transky _ Delam pasivne anal sex aaktivne oral sex . kontakt bily.tygr@gmail.com

Traska Agatan14.11.2010 20:31:55

Chicas sexys

Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

View all girls (56)