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AAA Exclusive Club Praha se reserva el privilegio de eliminar anuncios indecorosos, vulgares o sin sentido.
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Ahoj které dívky budou v pondělí a úterý?
thanks Reli.....Ch.
kriistny: her photo was not there already when you wrote the message...thats for first.....for second: do you know for what is key F5?? ....... for 3th: so who is muppet than?
Slečna Vanda už není? hm............... škoda!veliká škoda
Tom: Dnes je Nicola, Lucy, Jitka, Isabell, Katka a Saša...Další 4 nové dívky. Přijd´te se přesvědčit, že to u nás žije i v jednu ráno :o)
coco: It is too soon to tell you....
reli: Thank you :o)
Dobry vecer. Ktere divky dnes pracuji? "Zije" to u vas pokud bych prijel kolem 1 rano?
Hi, will Leila be working between 19th march and 21st march?
Because charlie isn't superman and don't have time to submit to your every whim. If charlie had to do this, I'm sure he did not have an easy time comming to this decision AAA is one of the few serious and responsible clubs in Prague, and I'm sure Charlie is doing his best to not only secure the aaa-club but his own reputation as a serious owner and partner of a club, and I have the outmost confidence in him doing so.