Forum (186)
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Dobrý večer, jaké slecny budou v pátek a v sobotu? Dekuji
Hi, Peter. Sorry, but I dont know :) :) :) :)
Oh, of course... so when things get more normal the bar will be open longer? Thanks for answer.
Hi, Peter. Because of the covid. Government Regulation.
Why does the bar close so soon? Is not possible to have drinks and watch poledance longer than til 22?
Hi, Peter. The bar is open until 22:00, but the ladies work until the morning. Michell does everything.
Ahoj, Honzo. Ve čtvrtek bude slečna Amy, Inna, Eva, Klarisa, Linda, Laura, Michell, Nada, Natali, Samantha, Simona, Týna.
Hi. How long is the bar open ? And same every night? And can we hire Michell for poledancing only? :-)
Ahoj, jaké slecny budou ve čtvrtek?
Hezký večer, Davi. Ve středu bude slečna Amy, Inna, Klarisa, Karolína, Linda, Martina, Michell, Nada, Natali, Rita, Sofie, Týna.