Forum (520)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha se réserve le droit de supprimer une publicité inconvenante, vulgaire ou non-sens.
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Kamil: Hello, we apologize to you, in this moment our guard is on holiday and we have a replacement instead him.Thank you for warning, but the safety of our club and the guests inside is always on the first place in our country. We warn the guard to carry out his checks precisely, but with humanity.We believe that such inconveniences will not be repeated and you will be satisfied again with your next visit. Thanks a lot
Jspan: Ano, bude :)
Bude ve čtvrtek Naomi??
Today (11.11.20) time at 9 pm. I went to your club. Because the last time I appreciated so I was back in your club again. However today the guard of your club for me, he is very impolite. I had reason that I could not leave my bag because in my bag has important documents but he searched on my body look like as I am the thief. I was very dissatisfied. Your club is very good but if your guard is very impolite and rude. I would like to ask you that how to recommend your club for the other ? Hence please solve this problem about your guard. kind reguards
Dan: V pátek bude v klubu okolo 20 děvčat. Přijďte, bude mejdan. :-)
Japan: Děkujeme a těšíme se. :-)
Tak jsem se zastavil minuly vikend a 2 Simonka a Naomi.... neměla chybu!! Zase se rad zastavím.... příští tyden!
Ahoj, které slečny budou v klubu v pátek 10.11.?
Dnes večer je v klubu 18 slečen, tak přijďte na super mejdan. :-)
Milan: Dobrý den Milane, Adriana, Alex, Hellen, Jessica, Naomi, Natali, Natálka, Simona, Tatiana, Angelina, Anthony, Denisa, Elisabeth, Eliška, Barbara a Tereza.