Forum (582)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha se réserve le droit de supprimer une publicité inconvenante, vulgaire ou non-sens.
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How much must i paid for one girl and for entry (in eur please) :)
Hello. I am 20 years old, but I look VERY young because of very late puberty :( ... Can I still visit club ? Regards.
Hello jean, Ellen and Linda will be in the club friday, saturday :)
Hello Are Ellen, Viktorie, Linda, Monika going to be at the club tommorrow or this week-end ?
Dobrý večer, Rone. Dnes bude cca 11 dívek :)
Kolik bude dneska pracovat slečen? Děkuji
Sandie: NO!!!!!! 18 is minimum!
Arn: stecial price for this teamwork is 4500 CZK/1 hour
Can you let people under 18 in your club? Because im 14 and wanna get in is that possible?
Hi Ed, today we have 12 ladies in the club, you are more, than welcome :)