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AAA Exclusive Club Praha se réserve le droit de supprimer une publicité inconvenante, vulgaire ou non-sens.
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The price including also room
Hello: 1800 CZK
Lee: We are very sorry, but we dont have any info yet.
Is Elisabeth going to working next weekend?
Johnthetourist: There will be around 15 girls tonight. You are more than welcome to come. Thank you.
Flo: We can organize the transport.
First time: 24.,25. and 26.12. will be the club closed, but other days we are open, so all info is on our web. We are looking forward to see you. Thank you.
Ben: We open every day at 7 p.m., if you want to come during the day, you have to make a reservation few days before. Thank you.
How many girls do you have normally working on the saturday night? It's my friends 30th Bday and we want him to have a good time somewhere where he is not ripped off and get some special attention at extortionate prices
hi. i will Visit you on monday. do i have the possibility to bring a Girl to my Hotel in loucen? sure i will also give her a Ride back tuesday Morning.