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In May you had a girl named Daphne, but I can't see it on the list. I'll be in Prague at the end of November. Any chance she will come back?
So thank you very much for some nice days with party and fun and party at AAA. Hopefully you'll have some cucumber for my gin the next time I'm in Prague :P
Hi, My friends is coming to have dates with girls, can I wait to the bar? Am i obliged to pay the entrance? Do you know any bar with girls where I can wait my friends with the entrance free? Thank you
Prosim o info Bella New
Hey , how u all lovely ladies doin? I just want to tell you I miss you and my home castle in Prague , I hope to be back soon , does Candy still hanging around with u ? god bless u , big hug and kiss from ur own sweWolf
pachaa: Yes she will be available from 9pm
Thank you, i will remember Viki next time i am i Prague :)
Tommy: Her name is Viki :)
NATALKA is available on Saturday 26 November?