Forum (820)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha se réserve le droit de supprimer une publicité inconvenante, vulgaire ou non-sens.
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Seznam příspěvků
Pepa: Vanda, Nicola, Amy, Kristýna, Nikita, Pavlína a Charlotta.
Které dívky jsou v clubu dnes večer(11.1)?
Hello - which girls work tonight 10 Jan?
in the case you dont use other services like free pick up service for example...yes, we can confirm it
Dear AAA Team, Happy New Year. New photos of the girls are fantastic. Can you confirm that I will get a free bottle of Bohemia sect each time I go to the room for one hour?
ovewear i'm sure that when i will be among 20 days i meet others beautifuls girls tank you!
:D something like that :)
ok, tanx for answer byt why? maybe she is a perfidius witch?
phedro: we are sorry, but we are even happy she is not already here:( .... but we always have great! choice
hello! aaa club a yer and half ago i was in your club and i was in the room whit one blond girl her name is denisa she is a slovak girl i it seems there is yet in your club? because to end of january i will be on prague again and i want to visit your club again! tanx....