Forum (516)
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Are Helen and Sarah available now and what time do you close?
Is Helen available now?
Michell and Rubus: Friday: Adriana, Anabel, Helen, Kate, Angelina, Amy, Michell Naomi, Mona, Simona, Vanesa,...
Michell: On Thursday you can meet Adriana, Cindy, Lola, Naomi, Mona, Natali, Simona, Angelina, Theresa and others :-)
I be in Prague on Friday. Do you know what girls that will be in the club 1/12?
Hello, you know tell me wich girls will be today snad on thursday and friday?
Petr: Dobrý večer, zítra tu budou Cindy, Jessica, Amy, Bella, Denisa, Lea a nové slečny.
Hezky večer, s kolegou se zítra chystáme na výlet.... jaké dívky budou na místě?
Thomas: Hi, today will be here Jessica, Angelina, Amy, Denisa, Michelle, Nicol adn one more new girl...
Hey can you tell me who is in the club tomorrow Sunday ?