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Ahoj, které slečny budou v klubu v Zitra ,rad bych se prisel podivat
Michell:Anabel, Cat, Naomi, Lola, Natali, Tatiana, Vanessa, Bella, Michelle, Kristýnka..
Tělo me pleas which girls will be on thuesday and wednesday?
Steve: Not yet.
Hey, when is alex back in the club?
Antonio: Helen didn´t arrive today. We hope that she will come tomorrow. Sarah will be in the club next week.
Are Helen and Sarah available now and what time do you close?
Is Helen available now?
Michell and Rubus: Friday: Adriana, Anabel, Helen, Kate, Angelina, Amy, Michell Naomi, Mona, Simona, Vanesa,...
Michell: On Thursday you can meet Adriana, Cindy, Lola, Naomi, Mona, Natali, Simona, Angelina, Theresa and others :-)