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Ladies, back again next Friday night, with 7 of my friends, really looking forward to your company again.xx
HEY have been to your club twice before and you ladies are stunning- do you have any larger ladies working there ?
Hi Anon, Natalka is working today, Grace unfortunately not. But we have many other beautiful ladies, so you are more than welcome!
Hello Roger, Lea is still working, but not sure exactly theese days, so please feel free to call us when You will arrive :) We are looking forward to You :)
Hi, will Natalka and Grace be working tonight? Kind Regards
Yes Lea thats her name! I will be visiting on the 4th to the 11th July will she work?? please
Roger: Probably you mean Lea. She works only sometimes. Check our new red hair girl Linda, she is great. :-)
David: Bohužel už u nás tato slečna nepracuje.
SweWolf: Thank you and miss you too. :-)
Hello is the red head Rhea still working I last saw her in November?