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AAA Exclusive Club Praha si riserva il privilegio di eliminare annunci sconvenienti, volgari o privi di senso.
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Kdo tam dnes je?
ignac: we are sorry, Lili will be probably longer time off now, we will let you know directly when she comes back
Lili is the weekend at work?
Nina, Monika, Lili, Lucka,lucz, Linda, Andrea,, Wiki, Nela, Jenca,...
Norsko: :-) Thank you.
Kdo tam dnes je?
Haha, sorry but I had to laugh when reading the question from CZ Punter. It's really a lame question to come with, because if it was the case AAA would certainly deny any knowledge of trafficking of women. I've been to AAA several times and can assure everybody: the girls are there of their own free will. Besides there are some cops showing up from time to time, basically because they know the manager or somebody in the club.
Boris- úterý a středa
Slečna Lusy kdy pracuje?
PS: We are sorry CZ Punter that we accidentaly deleted your answer that should be bellow our answer to your reaction (for others: CZ Punter wrote something about he doesnt know how clubs usually work, but that he knows that in Prague happens what he was asking for)