Forum (767)
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Bude Vanessa ve ctvrtek (16.7) nebo v patek? Diky
Dobry den Jose..Lili dnes a v pondeli.
Slečna Lili které dny pracuje?
Pavel.P.Vanessa dekuje..
Blaznivy Turk....we cannot wait to see you!!
Diky Borku, taky zdravime.
Thank you Lion..:)
Jeste jednou dekuji Vanesse za velmi hezky a prijemny vecer (noc). Tesim se na priste.
Angie, can´t wait few months to return. I just bought my tickets for the last weekend of this month.. Can you just make sure that Patricia is there for the last weekend of this month! Can´t wait to start the partttty! See you in 2.5 weeks ;) Blaznivy Turk
Zdarec,zdravím club.Máte opravdu velmi krásné slečny,fakt luxusní výběr.