법정 (238)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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Ahoj kdy bude v klubu Denisa dík T.
Dobrý večer, Filipe. Dnes večer je slečna Andy, Amy, Bianca, Melany, Mia, Ruby, Rita, Parvati, Sofie, Karolína, Samantha.
Ahoj, kdo je dnes v klubu?
Hello, today is working Amy, Melany, Michel, Ruby, Týna, Karolína, Samanta, Kate, Mia
Hi, who is working tonight, please?
Hello, i am sorry, Molly is not working this week.
Is Molly still working at your club?
Hello, bar will be open until midnight, and later will be posible to use the services of girls.
Is there new restrictions from next week?? darling and showpark close
Good evening, Peter. On Saturday will be working Angelina, Eva, Isabell, Kate, Lola, Martina, Bianca, Michell, Mona, Theresa, Veronika, Zuzana, Klarisa, Ruby.