법정 (42)
AAA Exclusive Club Praha 는 부끄럽지 않고 저속하거나 말도 안되는 광고를 삭제할 권한을 보유합니다.
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Good evening, LajesuisauClubavecale. Alex will be tonight.
Good evening, Do you know if Alex will be tomorrow and or this week end?
Trouduc Dobrý večer PATEK: Amy , Alex,Bella,Dalia,Denisa,Lia,Sky,Grace,Mery,Michell,Nicol ,Tyna,Veronika,Isabella,lafayette,Sheron,Kelly SOBOTA: Andy, Alex,Daila,Denisa,lia,Lenny,Lenny,Sky,Grace,Nela,Mery,Michell,Nicol,Tyna,Veronika,Isabella,Kelly
Hi James yes
Hi Felix yes
Hi. Is Nikol working today?
Hello. Will Nikol be in the club on Friday?
Dobrý den. Jaké slečny budou pátek a sobotu prosím. De
Hi, Bryan. Come to us, we'll make you a party.
any party in place